@Lauren Thank you. It was very hard to get it on camera it was annoying. Lol. I will keep you guys updated. I will retest in 2 days.
I feel like I see it in the 5th pic
@Caroline Thank you so much. I am excited and nervous to retest on Tuesday morning. I was having pink stretch ewcm but no cramps, we did have fun time at 2pmish. It stopped now. It was only there for a little bit.
Tomorrow is testing day. I will keep you guys updated.
Here is my test from this morning.
The top test is from Thursday and the bottom test is from today.
Here is the digital
@Caroline Thanks. But I started bleeding this morning. I went to the er. They said I could bleed for numerous of reasons and they worse case censor is the mc. I have a small uti also so they are going to treat it. By my last period I should be 5w. My hcg blood is at 11 so I am very early so probably 3 or 4w. They said that if they do not see anything to not worry because I am early. My doctor nurse called me back and they are going to redo my hcg blood test and I am getting it done on Saturday.
I see it