I was on sertraline during my pregnancy and am still taking it when I remember. The worry was baby would be born and have mild withdrawal and other possible defects from sertraline. She was fine. 8 months on and she's never shown any signs of withdrawal or any other issues from me taking it. I know it's not the same meds but I thought you'd like to hear that although they give you warnings it is usually a mild percentage that get affected by it. If you need the meds then take the meds (something my GP and the perinatal team told me)
You are safe to take it I took it while pregnant. They wouldn’t advise you to take it if it wasn’t safe for baby❤️
I’m on 25 mg and my friend is on 100 mg and our babies are totally fine. 5mg is nothing!
I was on 20 my whole pregnancy and still am !
On 10 right now and pregnant!
I was on lexapro while pregnant and I had a healthy baby! (She is 5 now)
@Erika how did u get over 20?? When I talked to my OB about upping my dosage she told me I was already maxxed out 😅
I was on 10mg Lexapro for the second half of my pregnancy and my daughter came out perfectly healthy at 7lbs8oz. She's now almost 6 months and hitting all her milestones early. She's also real chunky lol
I’m on lexapro, 20. I don’t think there anything wrong with it as ssri’s are very safe for pregnancy!
I chose not to stay on meds and had other more natural supplements as well as a better diet and supportive partner. Having my placenta encapsulated was a game changer also for managing postpartum
I was on 10mg while pregnant and I had a perfectly healthy 8 pound baby at 41 weeks!