Yep. My son is going through a really fussy phase. He used to eat everything. Now he gets upset if I give him food he doesn’t want and then gets lobbed on the floor 😱 it’s really hard. He’s off milk too. I just keep telling myself he’s in charge of the quantities he eats and I just try and provide variety in foods etc. the rest is up to him. Hopefully it’s just a phase as they say. Solidarity to you ♥️
Hi lovely, my son is almost 19 months & was a terrible weaner but now eats me out of house and home 😂 he was referred to speech and language for an oral motor assessment at 9 months and she checked his mouth movements and said it definitely isn’t because he *cant* but more because he won’t. She told me to just keep food for play (like purees on plastic toys etc) for him to make a positive connection to it and use bottles to keep him full during the day and to just let him lead. Wasn’t until around 13/14 months old that he took more than a mouthful or two of food and now he is a food machine 😂 she said “remember, food is fun before 1. Don’t let it stress you out” as she did have to witness a mealtime at the appointment and he just spat it or threw it & I ended up almost in tears from the worry of it all xx
@Courtney this is reassuring, thank you. I’m pretty confident that there is no physical issue with his not eating much as I’ve seen him eat an entire nectarine or a rusk on occasion with no issues. That’s why I feel like he just doesn’t like the food! And now he’s 1 I’m panicking that he’s not getting the nutrition that he needs.
If you’re concerned then certainly reach out to your HV who can support you…but some children just take time. He saw his dietician (as he has CMPA) at 12 months who said he didn’t show all the more complex readiness signs even at that age so it might just be that he’s not quite there yet too. I was told that no baby or toddler will willingly starve themselves and to just keep offering food and let him take the lead so that it’s not so pressuring…for both of us 😂 xx
This is how everything meal time use to go for us but today he ate 3 full 2 course meals, 2 lots of snacks (breadsticks/crackers and DF cheese) , 2.5 bottles of milk, a banana, blueberries and strawberries 😂😂 he’s such a ganite now but weirdly still under 1st centile 🙈xx
Yep. My girl does this. Won’t entertain vegetables and it’s so stressful. The food she does like she hardly eats any of it. She plays with it a lot and chucks it on our floor/the cat.