My friend who works with kids said don’t push it, go back to it at a later date, they can regress. I’m not bothering til my boys nearly 3 or shows major signs. he’s showing no signs of being ready x
My LO was the same. We tried and it failed massively where we were both in tears. I stayed in for 3 days and by the 3rd day it was worst than when we started and I think she became scared of it all. I stopped completely on a Wednesday and then on the Monday my lo woke up and said no nappy. So we went with it and we are OK week 4 of no nappies 🤞🏻.. I have heard it's when they want to do it and for us it was definitely the case. X
You need a potty - my trained 2.2yr old is terrified of the big boy toilet currently. The process will take weeks and weeks. Accidents day 1 is totally normal :)
We had exactly the same happen this weekend and I have stopped I don’t want to scare her or give her a fear I am going to try in a month xx