
Im planning to breastfeed exclusively… as in I will not use formula unless there is absolutely no way to feed my child otherwise. I have harvested over 20ml of colostrum most days so I have a big supply of that, so do I need to bother to buy formula for my hospital bag? Or will my colostrum be enough if anything bad happens?
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Colostrum be more than enough 😁

Don’t pack any if you plan to exclusively breast feed. If it’s in your bag you may be tempted to use. The hospital normally have a supply if needed.

Hospitals can supply formula if it's needed because breastfeeding doesn't work out

I was told by my midwife to get 1 box of formula in case the baby doesn't like breastfeeding, or if it just doesn't work immediately. Some babies might need more time to get into it, so in the meantime, they might need formula. I'd also prefer breastfeeding, but will get 1 small box just in case. When did you start harvesting colostrum? I'm almost 33weeks and there is nothing coming out of my boobs.

I started at 33 weeks as the midwife at the antenatal classes said it was fine to start but then I read that you shouldn’t start until 36 weeks so maybe ask your midwife? I’ve been leaking colostrum since around week 20 🤦🏻‍♀️

No don’t pack formula

Well done for harvesting colostrum. Just want to share this incase you find it useful later on. Breastfeeding is really hard at the beginning, it is a skill both you and your baby have to learn. I called midwives in to physically help me with my latch for pretty much every feed for the first 2 days and I regularly got breastfeeding support within the first month to help with latching and positions. The midwives and nurses were so kind and helpful. If you get the right support you will likely be more successful. If I brought formula with me I might have been more tempted to use it when struggling with the latch, so I’m gladI didn’t, it might have stopped my breastfeeding journey or taken longer for my milk to come in and supply to establish. I did have to give baby formula a few times as top up feeds as well as expressed breast milk between week 1 and 2 because of her weight loss and because I had a c-section she needed more milk. Nearly 4 months in and still exclusively breastfeeding.

Normally babies regain their birth weight after 2 weeks but for breast fed babies it can take up to 3. The fact you’ve got colostrum is amazing and will help so much if there are any issues or if your baby needs a top up.

Don’t bother packing any. I harvested colostrum and honestly think it contributed to a thankfully straightforward breast feeding journey for me. If you desperately need formula, you can usually buy it in the hospital shop!

Colostrum will be enough initially, and you won't need to pack it for hospital. But we really struggled first few days after we went home, and my LG dropped far too much weight. We had to supplement with formula - all shops stock it so we sent MIL out to get us some and it was fine! But if you're worried you wouldn't be able to get out to get some I would have a couple of the ready made bottles at home just in case.

I’ve never taken formula and never needed it x

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