
We gave our baby her first food this week and i was wondering how regularly should i now be giving her solids/purees. i read online one meal a day but should i now be doing 1 per day every day? it’s been less than a week since starting and she’s had 2 “meals”.
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So ideally by 1, solids should be her main source of energy and nutrients. So to answer your question - yes, I’d aim to offer her a solid once a day everyday. However, she may not always want it which is fine. It’s just making sure you offer and provide the opportunity. I’d build it up in increments: 6 months - 1 meal a day + usual milk intake 8 months - 2 meals a day + usual milk intake 10 months - 3 meals a day + usual milk intake + snack 12 months - 3 meals a day + milk (intake may vary now eating more) + 2 snacks. This is a skeleton guide and you can introduce the meals accordingly etc - so you may find she’s demanding more at 7 months so you then go to 2 meals etc.

I built it up from one a day to two then to three plus snacks. Baby has water at mealtimes and in between if he wants it and then his bedtime bottle as he doesn’t want milk in the day. When he first started solids he dropped his mid morning bottle and slowly dropped bottles through the day as his food intake increased

@Dianne thank you! i will do that X

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