@Isabella I used to take that few years ago but never helped so stopped but it maybe worth me giving it ago along side the Metformin and see what happens. Thanks x
That's the tricky thing with PCOS is it varies so much. I have also heard quite a few people using the myova brand as well. X
@Isabella okay thank you so much, fingers crossed this is our year after 12 years TTC. Xx
I switched from that brand to these and found they were significantly better. They did initially totally reset my cycle though to a longer cycle but I'm convinced that's what helped me. Sending you lots of baby dust ✨️ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Inofolic-Alpha-Effective-Myo-Inositol-Alpha-lactalbumin/dp/B0B9BWXX8B/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2M3HZYCPNUZMG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UMQgSMImWkaJtJOe_uQVONCtARN80cB30fXnB2L2QdR3QZsLYCTdG-9tosgZ-Kjs9EBlPlnVcuzkiHW1BvPiNkGEaLs-Z-3gjnyejV385OxM8fLrQrhbqEiufjpzyTa6ZN749Lrl5H1G1hskkeL0vaR2CPmhRJAnOvwY40Ty6DSjuCWlmfu9PpgFwRhvt_zILwiDT_6sF8Cjet46LRx7Ow.GHMqrU0stOzkLNQR3TRrvulz-9HekjXKa4DXc6GfMaQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=myo+inositol+sachets&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1735422971&sprefix=myositol+sachets%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-3