Any advice

Looking for some advice but ive recently gone back to work after my mat leave ended my work place has been horrific in helping me return to work it has been a lengthy process as no one knew the answers to the questions I was asking them had several managers I was either getting ignored or they would loose my forms and I would have to resend them and they took months to sort my return back leading me to worry and stress now I’ve gone back to work for 3 months and found out I’m pregnant again I’ve told them and I phoned in sick before Christmas and the same day I got a message falsely accusing me of not using the correct equipment I’ve had terrible training since coming back which has now lead to 12 days of unnecessary stress and panic over what trouble I’m going to get into on Monday I have to stay in order to get maternity leave again but they are really giving me unnecessary pressure and I don’t know what to do any advice? Xx
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How long do you have to stay for? Can you go off sick?

@Amy I could go off on sick that is an option will it effect me going on maternity leave again in July x

If you have proof like emails and that your return back to work was a negative experience during the meeting on Monday say that you will involve HR as your training upon return wasnt competent. If you are admitent that you did your job correctly and they are falsely accusing you ask for proof/ reason for the accusation. If you are stressing you can still call in sick blaming it on morning sickness but it will just prospone the meeting and cause more stress. If you want to feel better you can ask someone you trust to go in to the meeting with you

Going off sick now would potentially effect you're mat leave in July. Off the top of my head you need to have returned to work for 3 full months to be eligible again. also if you're off sick for a certain period they can force you to take you're mat leave early. I would download or call HR and ask them to send you you're specific pregnancy policy. sorry you're having such a hard time with it all xx

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