Sounds like he's depressed. Have you talked to him about how he's doing and his mental health?
Spoke to him he isn’t depressed so he says tried all the help with Andy’s man club etc before feel like there is only so much I can help him at some point he has to help himself. Ended things now got caught hiding things that were going on in his life why would u hide things such as getting a new car or going on holiday from a partner that’s no relationship in My eyes
I was in a similar situation, they didn’t want to make any life goals with me (no kids, no marriage, no wanting to buy a house) they just wanted to sit home all day with no motivation other then to stay home and game. We never even went out or on dates. I tried for 5yrs to deal with it and couldn’t anymore because on top of the lack of trying in life I ended up carrying the load of everything else. So I left sadly, I think 5yrs of trying was above and beyond enough. However you could try to get him into therapy or sit down and set goals together