Potty training

For those of us who are potty training what r some tips!! My little one decided she was ready and practically dragged me in the bathroom one day and pointed to the toilet 😭😭😭 She’s went on the big toilet but I switched her to the potty so she can kinda practice more. I’ve been doing the “naked method” it’s been 3-4 days and she has it down! I sat her down when I saw cues the first day and everyday after she’s just gotten better and better. Now I wana let her do this for a week and then add the whole panties and then panties and pants She knows how to pull them down but I’m not sure how to make sure she doesn’t get confused … I’ve noticed when added these things she has more accidents then when she’s just naked. With pull ups I noticed she just started to try n pull them down to go potty but it’s after she’s goes not before.. I’m just happy she’s pooping all by herself with like 👏🏾😭 I’m so proud of her but she can’t be nakey when we go out n about
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Just go to undies and then add the pants as planned. Yes she may have more accidents until she gets the hang of needing to pull them down, it's okay. Avoid pull ups except for sleep times.

Also consider getting the toilet seat that is attached to the big seat. It is so much more efficient/sanitary/ and less hassle than the mock seats

@Chelsea we have that too!! She’s used it before I just figured the potty would help prevent accidents between her knowing she has to go communicating that and then getting the the bathroom. She’s very independent so after a while she get frustrated if she can’t do something on her own. the potty gives her more control for right now

We did no crap method 2months ago and she was pretty much potty trained in 2days. We dont even wear nappy in bed anymore as she wakes up dry every night . I found it overwhelming the first day. Best tip i can give get puppy pads and clean floors with it as it absorbs liquid really well. First day we mopped and used towels and my daughter peed like every 5mins it was a nightmare as floors would stay wet and she would have bad falls, next day we used puppy pads instead of a mop and towels and what a life saver .

@Rasma what’s no crap method of u can go into depth ?? I was thinking about getting the pee pads!! But we have carpet so idk how well they’d work

My daughter has been in undies for 2 days and it isn't going well so far. She asked for 2 months to sit on the potty and now likes to st there but refuses to pee 🙈

@DeJah https://youtu.be/NjTM4PpWOwQ?si=SnWglkTZSH8sRrd5 I mainly just followed this video its very informative and help me a lot . Have you got a room with hard floors at all ? As i would recommend first day to stay in the room with hard floors get lots of new games and entertain by day 2 we only had 2 accidents and day 3 no accidents at all

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