@Lauren yeah mine is pretty hit or miss it has been off the last few days but my actual vagina still feels like raw or tender? ughh so uncomfortable :(
My first postpartum took the longest to heal. I didn’t feel normal even after 6 weeks. 2nd time it took maybe 4 weeks. This time it’s been under 3 weeks, and I feel normal.
@Rebecca wow thats amazing, glad to know its normal then for a first timer, thanks!
I am 1 week and feel the same way but I tore both ways,8 stitches and had an episiotomy. So they pain has been insane
@Britny aww sorry!! yeah its a different type of pain!
It all depends on your degree of tear, time spent pushing, etc. with my first the tear was only 1st degree but on the outside I was in pain sitting down for 5wks+. I was dreading recovery this time around. I’m almost 4 wks ppd stopped bleeding at 2 wks & had sex at 3 wks. I’ve shaved, wear thongs again & feel sooo much better the 2nd time. The pain will let up soon I promise! The vagina is amazing give yourself time to heal. Sitz baths nightly were my fave
@Jordan ok love this! thanks!!
~2 wks out, and my midwives said things look like they’re healing well despite the discomfort I’m still experiencing. They said to expect soreness up until 12wks, but I may feel better before then. Healing isn’t linear, so keep doing the best you can to rest and stay on top of your own health, too.🥹
@Sarah reassuring, thank you will do!
I'm also 3 weeks pp and feel like externally I'm pretty healed. But my bleeding picked back up over the last few days even though I thought it had stopped. 🥴