Worried about first baby!

Hi all, I’m feeling really anxious about the birth this time round, I think because I’m worried about leaving my eldest who will be 20 months. He’s very much a mummy’s boy, I’ve never left him overnight before, only for the odd evening out when he’s already been in bed. I’ve not long stopped breastfeeding him so he’s only used to me doing bedtime (alongside my husband). Does anyone have any advice? I’m so worried I could be away for ages with a long labour or complications :( it’s making me want an elective c section just for this reason even though I had a vaginal birth last time. My mum will look after him when I go in and she’s used to having him in the day but not first thing/bedtime. Is it better he goes to stay with her or she stays here with him? Really getting myself worked up about it :(
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Could he have an overnight at your mums in the run up? Or ask your mum to stay one night. It might make you both feel better less worry being away for the first time at night.

totally normal to worry and feel anxious at this point, especially when you’re having your second. So much change is coming and maybe your 20 month old will find it hard - but you’re giving them the gift of a sibling and it’ll give him a chance to grow and learn and build a new relationship. One night or one week of stress is gonna be ok for him, especially given the reward ❤️ I think the first commenter suggesting some practice nights is a great idea. It might not go perfectly but it gives them a chance to get comfortable doing it, without the added urgency and stress of “mum’s giving birth and we don’t know how long it’ll take”. An elective C Section would probably be a bit harder in the long run when you factor in the recovery and looking after 2 under 2, but you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. Another thing that might help is to have some kind of script of how you want “mummy being away” to be explained to him. Some magical or fun explanation might help, or a book.

Just here to say I can relate. My first son is also a mummys boy and very attached to me, I've never left him with anyone even his dad for more than a couple of hours and definitely not overnight. He's nearly three so he does have very good understanding and so we do keep talking about it and what will happen to prepare him. I am having an elective C-section for medical reasons but it doesn't make me feel any better as it's only 4 days before my due date (gave birth in my due date last time) as this was the earliest they could book and I don't even know what time I'm going in etc until the week before. Also I've been told that they could easily move the date even later. So there is a chance I will go into labour before my date anyway. I think if you can rely on your mum to come to yours it's probably better for your son he is in his own environment where he feels safe and you may feel better about it too. I do think and hope that they will probably cope better than we will being apart.

Do a run up stay with your mum beforehand and explain that he’s going on holiday to grandmas. If you make it sound like the most exciting thing he will be fine.

Id say do a couple practice overnights so he gets used to it. Kids are really adaptable. It will ease your mind if he has a test run without you xx

Thanks everyone this is all really helpful, and thank you for not making me feel silly! Think you’re right and he needs to do a practice, maybe one at ours and one at hers so we’re prepared for any eventuality!

@Jess hope you get your section before baby decides to make an appearance 🩷

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