My hair loss started at the 3 month mark and has continued. As you say, I pull quite a lot of hair off while showering. I am trying to stay positive lol and using my hair products that help growth and taking all my supplements (especially iron and collagen) 🤷🏻♀️ not much else I can do 😭
Yep! My LO is 19 weeks and it only started coming out a week or so ago. Every time I shower loads comes out 😔
Yes, it didn't start until about 3 months pp but still every time I wash my hair, brush it, just run my hand through it, I get a handful
Reading these comments make me feel better that I'm not alone I hope it stops soon for all of us x
Yeah I’m going through this too :(
Yes it is bad at the moment for me, I do remember it being like this with my other babies so think it is normal. It really does make you feel a bit rubbish doesn’t it, I have just taken advantage of my husband being off for Christmas and left my baby for the first time for an hour to get my hair cut which has made me feel a little better.
Loads for me! Think it’s supposed to finish by six months. We shall see.
Yes, it’s so bad and my hair is everywhere. It is normal x