before increasing your meds you should properly consider if there are other aspects of your life that are inevitably contributing to challenging moods and feelings. whilst you’re happy 90% time with your partner and family, could that 10% be extremely impactful? if so, what are steps you and your partner can take to lessen that “10%•. when you’re feeling short tempered / overwhelmed are the triggers you’re not acknowledging before that point? as someone who has a history of mental health and diagnosed with ADHD, triggers and accepting where things are going wrong is more important than taking medication, because medication isn’t going to solve actual circumstances in your day to day that are actually the root cause of what’s going on. i hope that makes sense , sending love x
I’m a mental health OT - so not a medic (defo speak to your doctor regarding meds), but in my last role a lot of my work was based on identifying triggers and ways to calm and settle self - have you got your own self care box as such ??
I’ve found that medication only numbs me. My provider has me on saffron to help my moods and I am going to be starting therapy to work through some traumas when I’m ready. Focusing on diet and exercise really helps. I’m definitely not at my best when I feel like crap. Get outside and if you can’t get vitamin d (most can’t this time of year due to the angle of the earth to the sun) make sure you supplement. Vitamin d is so important for so many functions of the body and a deficiency can cause depression symptoms.
Hey darling can’t comment on the meds as I am not a doctor but have you thought about optimising your nutrition, covering any gaps that may be there, balancing your blood sugar which in turn will have a massive impact on your hormones and therefore your mood, taking a magnesium supplement can be really helpful as well as bathing in Epsom salts and/or using a magnesium lotion topically. Cutting down on stimulants, I.e. caffeine, soda, blue lights etc, having a little self care as much as possible, a weekly yoga class may be? Or a 10 minutes meditation practice? Praying 🙏🏻 ? All the best xx