Isn’t Carers Allowance classified as an income though? Maternity Allowance is….?
Yes it says you may still be eligible, not guaranteed though. I’ll be honest though it sort of sounds like you’re trying to find a way to cheat the system 🤔
@N 💞 Can I ask how it seems like I am trying to cheat the system? 🤔 My husband is a bus driver, so works shifts - hence no reliability look after my youngest. He’s currently working 10pm-7am. My parents are disabled, one more severe than the other. So looking after my youngest isn’t an option. I am self employed, so earning £120 a day for an odd job might be fine, but if I’ve got to pay for childcare for my baby, childminders charge £12+ in London. So paying £96 for 8 hours childcare doesn’t leave me with much. I’ve also never claimed any benefits apart from Child Benefit. And work straight since 17. So again, how is one trying to cheat the system?! For one, becoming a parent for my parent would be more helpful to the NHS. As they wouldn’t need to send someone around to help my parents out, I’ll be doing it myself, for the pocket change they’ll be giving. 🤨
If you’re genuinely planning on being the carer then no it wouldn’t be cheating the system, but the way you worded it made it sound like you were just going to apply for it to enable you to get the funded childcare hours. Who is going to look after your youngest whilst you’re caring for them full time?
Right, so please don’t go making assumptions. And maybe my wording made it seem that way, but genuinely I wouldn’t cheat the system. I know plenty people who do but in my head, if I take it that way, I’ll just end up paying it back another. My husband and I will be caring for my youngest. We live with my parents at the moment, so I care for them anyway whilst looking after my youngest. When he turns 9 months, he’ll be able to join the nursery too as they’ve got spaces. I was just wondering if the carers allowance would be enough for the funded hours. She’ll get the 15 regardless. Up until now, we’ve just been funding her nursery fee ourselves, as we weren’t able to get help with funding. For now the maternity allowance covers the next 3 months as I’m still receiving it. But for the follow 3 months, would I need to ensure I’ve had some self employment work or would it be okay with just carers allowance?
@Kirsty thank you! 😊 this is very helpful to know x
I may be wrong but I think the only way the carers allowance would go towards childcare eligibility is if you are a carer for the child themselves, not your parents. You and your partner would both need to be earning a certain amount to qualify for the 30 hours, however being 3 she will qualify for 15 hours regardless.