Omg yes! That’s the worst 😭, I just feel like at times he really doesn’t give much grace, like he forgets that even though I may seem fine, after having a baby there’s sooo much we go through ☹️ not all men are mindful of that. Being called a liar is defo a huge stretch, deeply upsets me!😭 @Chloe Thankyou for making me feel heard & seen!xx
Women have to go through allll of this shit before giving birth, right? So, why aren’t fathers required to take a class or be educated on postpartum. It needs to be a thing. Men and postpartum are like enemies are something. Neither of them understand each other
You are totally valid in your feelings. He needs to grow up honestly… that’s not okay. It really isn’t that big of a deal. It happens to everyone now and then especially postpartum. I hope that he is able to educate himself about the topic and be a supportive partner❤️
Yes, I have this too. If someone interrupts me the thought is gone. Why is your boyfriend acting like that? He can look it up and see what’s going on. Calling you a liar is a huge stretch. That’s not okay. Makes me sad that you are being treated like that over something you can’t control