My LO has around 4-8oz per feed and it's between 3-5 hours, varys when he is unwell/teething, when unwell he takes less milk and nothing wrong with that as long as still having something. Also because he eats a breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks. You can give yogurt and cheese.
Between 9/18oz. I give my LG cheese and yogurts too. Aswell as 3 meals + snacks. She loves yogurts 🤣x
Mine son has anywhere between 15-18oz. 3 bottles (1 when wakes up, 1 mind afternoon and 1 before bed) Hoping to drop the mid afternoon one by the time he is 1 so he only has 2 bottles of cows milk x
My LG is on 10oz a day x
We are 12-14oz a day which is 2 bottles, just dropped the mid afternoon one. Also has yoghurt & cheese
No clue as I am breastfeeding
Oh god, my little girl is still having far too much and I just don’t know what to do to cut it down? She has 3 x 5 ounces and then 7 ounces before bed and then she still wakes up for one in the night. Not sure what to do? Any advice?
@Amy all babies are different. My little girl wakes up in the night for a bottle too! I would definitely suggest supper and see if that would help. Honestly us mums just wing it all the time 🤣
I came on to ask the sane thing.. my LO is still having 5/6 bottles a day. 1x6am, 1x9am, 1x2pm(or when ever napntime is), 1x6pm and then 1x1am and sometimes 1x4am. overnight feeds depends on how many wake up which is a whole other problem!! I'm struggling to refuce then, my little one isn't really that interested in food. He won't really eat breakfast (tried cutting milk down but ends in a tantrum) barely eats lunch and won't really snack, but does eat his tea really well. I'm at a loss!
Between 16-18oz ( 3 bottles) in Jan once we switched to cows milk will see if we can decrease to 2x bottles per day,morning and evening only as he is interested to eat more now.