Years? When y’all starting going?
Yes, sorry, he was about 3 or 4 years old
I took mine to my annual routine dentist appointment when he was a baby and registered him with my dentist and booked an appointment he was probably about 11 month old and it was more of a ‚mock‘ dentist appointment where he was allowed to have a look at everything, he sat on my lap on the big chair and I (mum) demonstrated to him what was going to happen. We played with the little mirror and the dentist had a quick glance into his mouth. That’s all. Very fun and building a positive experience. I am in the UK and I was recommended this by my Health visitors. I thought that was a great idea.
He had about 7/ 8 teeth by then.
@Bridgette oh okay cool thank you! 😊
@Alice I’m taking my son now and he’s 2 but just making sure if i dtill need to
When they got their first tooth/teeth. My first got 2 at once at 11 months 🤯
Just has my sons 1 year Dr appointment and they said starting at one year
I mean i believe it’s twice a year he gets check ups so i guess we’re okay thank you ladies
I think mine was 6m… but he went once, then I need to find cuz she don’t work there anymore but I been brushing his teeth everyday… he’s gotta learn u know? He or she…. lol mine just happens to b he….also the dentist said they take at 4 months? I’m pretty sure but Iike I said they gone now
When his first tooth came out
I took mine at 1yr then every 6 months
1 year old!
As soon as his first teeth appeared
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Trusted by 5M+ women
I think my daughter was 2!
Around a year old, I think
I used to work at a dental office and we always recommended to bring them in once they start having teeth come in. I took my son at 10 months. It’s mostly to just get them used to being at the dentist
Around 11 months
At 6 months.
Annual from age one with my boys.
I took him with me so he wasn’t to scared and his first appointment is next month after his 2nd birthday
1 years old.
One year old
Around a year old.
My son went for his first appointment when he was 15 months. He will see the dentist again in the summer. I am taking him in every 6 months to keep it familiar.
I know the books/dentists encourage them coming in even before teeth start erupting. I think my son was 3 or 4