@Jess Thank you so so much for sharing this with me, it's really helpful. I see my midwife tomorrow so I plan to question my options further and request another swab. I'll look into the probiotic and using colloidal silver as I'm not greatly educated around that part. Thank you so much again for your help 🥰
Hi! I was GBS positive with my first and had a homebirth. I took a probiotic supplement and ate lots of probiotic foods but other than that left well enough alone. Evidence Based birth has a lot of good information about GBS that may help you decide what to do as well
@Mina Thank you so so much, I'll look into that. I've since spoken to my midwife & she's said really, there's nothing they can do regarding my choice just as long as I'm aware of the potential risks etc. 🥰
No sweat! Thats basically how it went with my midwife. I remember asking her straight up “is it irresponsible of me to do nothing at all?” And she said not at all. The risk of actual infection is quite small and in my opinion IV antibiotics during labor or a medical soap protocol were riskier than doing nothing.
It comes and goes very quickly! Can you request another test closer to your due date, and start taking a high quality probiotic and swab with colloidal silver first? There is a streptococcinum homeopathic remedy that I know can be used, but I don't have details on that. "Of all the pregnant people who screened positive for GBS at 35-36 weeks, 84% were still GBS positive when the culture was taken during labor. However, 16% of the GBS-positive people became GBS-negative by the time they went into labor. These 16% received unnecessary antibiotics." - Young et al. 2011