Sibling or Not

My bf doesn’t want another baby, but I do one day I’m really anxious about getting pregnant again cuz I’m worried it’ll ruin us. My bf doesn’t wear condoms so we do pull out most of the time. Last month he randomly decided he wasn’t gonna which I didn’t mind him doing he even asked me before hand but now there’s a chance I’m pregnant but too anxious to test cuz I know it’ll end up with either both relief and disappointment or arguments. I have an appointment to get the implant tomorrow but hormonal birth control always makes me feel weird. I’d love for my little man to have a sibling closer in age but my bf is difficult about it at times. Sometimes he makes comments about how it’d be ideal to give him a little sibling (cuz everyone needs an older brother, he says as the older brother) but the newborn stage was so difficult he’s terrified for a positive test
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I feel like y’all should definitely sit down and really think about it try writing a pro and con list of having him another sibling and which ever out weighs the other can take a factor into your choice that’s what I would do if I was in this situation but obviously don’t have a baby that isn’t wanted (not saying y’all do or don’t want one just staying my opinion)

If he's knowingly having unprotected sex with you and on top of that, finishing in you he cannot be angry if you get pregnant when he was an active participant in making it happen and took absolutely no steps to stop it from happening.

How can he not want another child but doing nothing to prevent it? Pulling out isn’t a form of contraception tell him if he’s big enough to sleep with you he should know the possibly consequences, I have 2 pull out babies 😂 lesson learnt!

I think you need to (a) come up with a method of contraception that you have full control over and (b) think long-term about where you see your relationship going if you want another child but he doesn't

I have had both the copper IUD before baby and the Mirena IUD after baby. And hands down I love the Mirena IUD! Inserting an IUD before I'd had a baby was painful (worth it at the time but painful like a bad period). Getting an IUD at the 6 week postpartum visit was painless! With the copper IUD, my periods remained heavy. In hindsight, what seemed normal to me at the time were actually very heavy periods. Now with the Mirena and breastfeeding, I haven't had any periods since giving birth 1 year ago. Both breastfeeding and the Mirena IUD are found to make periods lighter and fewer. I wish I'd done the Mirena the first time. Plus, the Mirena is supposed to have few side effects from hormones since its effect is localized. It's not like taking a pill where the hormones go everywhere in the body.

@Jade that’s what I say. I hate hormonal birth control it always makes me feel awful and I got pregnant on hormonal birth control with my boy, he doesn’t wear condoms cuz he finds them extremely uncomfortable, but it’s like I sacrifice my own comfort for him

@Onny Ask him what he'd find more uncomfortable, multiple children or wearing a condom. It's just as much his job to protect against pregnancy, especially if he is the one that actively doesn't want anymore children.

You both def need to sit down and have a long time this isn’t just a small thing

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