Unsolicited Opinions

Anyone else tired of people opinion you didn't ask for 😮‍💨 like I'm normally fine with it, but today oml I got so many comments on how my daughter ears are pierced. And when did I get them done and why would I get them done.. first it's none of their business and second I chose to do it so if they want it pierced when older they won't remember the pain... like it's my business so why do some people like to judge me about it ? I waited till she was six months.. plenty people had gotten it done earlier and honestly to each their own. It's just getting so annoying and then I have the people saying we'll what if she doesn't want it when she's older. Ok? Then she takes them out ?? Like jeez people need some decent common curtesy and to mind their own. Also picture just bc she has a lot of attitude and I feel this post needed it 🤣🤣
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No seriously they act like its a life altering decision. Its only pierced ears🤣🤣

@Keona ty ! Like it drives me insane. It literally saves baby girl from remembering getting ear pierced. Like my mom got mine done same age as I did babygirl and I'm glad she did!

@Brittany then they favorite thing to say it they’re gonna pull them out. No they’re not. They dont even kno its there. Plus they make em where they cant even come out🤣🤣🤣

I’m tired of it I feel you !!! my fiance grandma always telling me about my oldest son(2yrs) about his speech. Saying he needs therapy because he doesn’t talk. Which he does he just doesn’t see them frequently meanwhile my fiance sister has a son same age doesn’t talk at all babbles still (non judgement ) but why she on my back. She also compares my son because his past surgery and her daughter in law has two sons who had surgery but not same things or experience but since they have autism she says my son has it cuz he had surgery similar t.Then his aunt only translator for therapy meaning she speaks Spanish for the Spanish families but she acts like she knows everything she doesn’t see my kids often but when she does always acting like my kids are behind and telling me what to do. Meanwhile I’m in school and have worked with children and have children she doesn’t. She can’t even baby sit our 7 year old nephew knowing he talks everything she couldn’t even feed him chicken nuggets.

Im sorry love sending hugs people need to seriously mind their business!!!! Your baby is beautiful btw

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