Boys mom

My 4 year old son likes to tear or chew his toys, we have tried taking his favorite toys away time out, no tablet, moms please share what I can do am running out of options
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If it's mostly chewing, you could look into chewable jewelry. If he's being destructive for the sake of being destructive, and taking the toys away isn't working, you should look into a rewards system, and reward him frequently with tokens/candy/stickers when he is calmly playing without being destructive. He may be enjoying the negative attention he is getting while being destructive, so the goal would be to replace that with loads of positive attention while he's behaving well. Obviously you still need to take away any toys that aren't being used correctly, but try to do that without much emotion or attention given to the bad behavior. I wouldn't even give a time out for it. Maybe tablet time needs to be earned and "bought" with tokens earned through good behavior.

@Elizabeth thank you for this advice

if it seems he’s doing it on purpose, i’d let natural consequences take their course. You wanna chew your toy? now it’s broken and needs to be thrown away and you can’t have it anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Krissy I think he is doing it on purpose because he will say sorry and when you turn around he will tear or chew on some of his toys and when you tell him he has just lost a privilege to his favorite toy then he will be good but that tricky is not working any more

he’ll learn faster if he literally can’t get the toy back at any point

@Krissy definitely doing that

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