😫you 20 month old can say “ oh no” 😩mine doesn’t communicate at all, like he can say papa, mama, water and juice. But that’s pretty much it💔
We have tried twice... basically every 2 months...we have little toilets upstairs and down and books by both so she likes to sit on them and read, I highly recommend "Lionel goes poop" we changed it to potty and I over exaggerate the "No no Lionel!!" She laughs and laughs, hunting for more potty books this week. This last time she waited 1.5 hrs and peed- I rushed her to the toilet and she peed in it! We partied but that was the end of it she started peeing every 20 min and holding it when I rushed her to the potty... We decided to keep playing for another month or 2 and hope and pray 😂
But YES it's exhausting (and we have new carpet) my partner said they need to open a potty training barn boot camp 😂🤔
They’re still so young so I wouldn’t push it. I let my son try when he wants to and put him in pull ups. He can pull his pants up and down, sit, flush and wash hands. He has a few times peed in the potty but certainly not regularly.
Each day is completely different. Some days he's self initiating and taking himself to the potty when he needs to go and other days it feels like theirs pee everywhere but the potty. Hanging in there because the smile on his face when he does it shows me he's so proud! It's exhausting, but we got this mamas!
@Scarly being able to communicate is really important for using the potty. It held back my older son a lot. It’s one of the signs of readiness
@Yossira literally same 😭😭😭
@Julia exactly, like my baby can’t tell me verbally or even point to tell me he needs to go potty, during the summer I tried letting him walk around the house without a diaper and have the potty visible to try and he if he would understand the cue, but nope
Potty training is real rough right now. My daughter was doing pretty good but all of a sudden says “no potty” now. Like why 😭. We have a routine of making her sit on the potty til she goes first thing and the morning and before bath time. I also continuously ask her if she has to potty during the day. Her responses sometimes are hilarious.
Mmmm NOT GREAT AT ALL! my little guy poops on the floor and says OOOHH NOOOO! I tell him we have to go in the bathroom and say bye bye to peepee and poopy lol so he runs to the toilet and says bye 🥲 but never puts two and two together together😂