Yup, it's a normal thing and you will get back to normal eventually, don't worry ☺️ Mums brain changes physically when having a baby, to be able to tend to it better, so some areas shrink etc. This should usually be back to normal after 2 years.
Yes, mom brain is very real. Combination of hormones and poor sleep. It got better around 13-14 months postpartum with my first, when I stopped pumping. Repeating questions is also a normal human thing to do, he needs to be more patient and not get so mad about such a small thing
Yep. I have bad baby brain. I didn’t get it while I was pregnant but did after both my babies were born. The most frustrating part for me is when I forgot what objects are called. I get really annoyed at myself 😂
Thank you all for taking the time to answer. I don’t feel so wrong now.
That's just mommy brain. Is a well documented thing that happens. You start forgetting things etc, potentially as a survival instinct, because you forget the hard parts of newborn babies, and then have more. And it also translates to some transient short term memory issues like forgetting you already asked a question, forgetting where you put things, or prepping multiple bottles because you forgot you made the first etc. I had a head injury before having a kid, and my memory was already trash, and I also have issues with word recall, so my spouse was already well used to all that before we had a kid lol