My son is 19 months. Idk how to introduce it. He doesn’t talk yet either. So that complicates things. I read a comment on here from a mom that said she lets her kids stand beside her when she potties and verbalizes what she’s doing during to help them understand so we’ve been doing that. Idk where to go from here. We bought a potty book but he doesn’t understand it yet.
My first was 2 years 8 months. Did it within 2 days
My first is 23 months and has started showing signs of readiness. He’s sat on little sister’s bath seat pretending to go, has been telling us for a long time if he’s gone poo or had a full wet nappy and needs changing. We just started talking more about it, taking him in when we go etc. We’re going to start properly in the new year when he’s 2 Potentially the ‘three day method’ but need to research a bit more
My son was almost 3 and it took maybe 2 weeks. He had no interest before that. Would sit but do nothing. Watching dad pee standing up was a game changer!
Start with my son at 18 months because he had a sister on the way and I refused to have two babies in diapers .... He's 2 years now and fully potty trained 🙌🏾🙌🏾 now I have another baby on the way,,... I'm ready to potty train my 6 month old daughter cause again I refuse to buy diapers for two babies lol 😂 but of course 6 months is too early so I'll definitely be having to buy diapers for 2 lol
@Gilly what technique worked for yall?
@Allison did he still sit to pee?
If I knew everything was ok. Fed, burped, illness, teething etc was all good. I’d cuddle mine to soothe for 5 mins. Then when sleepy put them down. If he started to cry right away, I’d be there with him and let the timer go to 2 minutes Tops. And then cuddle to soothe for at least 5 minutes. Repeat repeat repeat
Both mine went to sleep happy after about a week of this. My 5 year old has slept through since he was 1. My 2 year old has slept through since about 10 months: both can settle and soothe themselves but , I have always made myself available to them. Never closed the door and left them crying. Gross. Why would anyone wanna do that! I mean, don’t get Me wrong, in my opinion, if you need a break as it’s too much, that’s a fine thing to do. But just leaving them each night, if anything, It teaches your child if they call for you, you’re not there for them 😅 these are just my opinions !! I’m no specialist
Sometimes yeah. He changes it up depending on what he feels like