Baby blues are overshadowing everything

Almost 8 days PP. I was so happy the first few days of my baby girls life but since coming home, the baby blues have really set in and I’m struggling to cope with them. I would give anything to go back to how I felt right after she was born. Mostly all I’ve been feeling now is lonely, sad, terrified, and isolated. I love my baby so much and worry for her constantly (Is she eating enough? Too much? Peeing/pooping enough? Is the Purple crying period coming soon? Is she breathing?) I miss my husband even though he’s right next to me on paternity leave (and he’s been an amazing father and taking good care of me, too). I feel guilty and like a burden when I need his help, even though he’s done nothing to make me feel that way. I was a person who barely cried before having my baby (even when I was pregnant I wasn’t particularly tearful) but I’m crying so much lately. I just want to feel somewhat normal again so I can fully enjoy this incredible time of my life and this amazing baby. How do I get through this?
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Take it day by day girl! There are people that can help if you reach out, but I know from experience sometimes that can even be hard:( Being a new mom is so much to take on mentally, physically, and even though you had 9 months to prepare and that seemed like a long time it most definitely wasn’t, right? It’s like you waited for this moment for so long and suddenly it’s here and you’re not as happy as you thought even though you feel like you should be because you have your whole world laying in your arms. It’s okay to feel these things and allow your body to do what it needs to in order to heal. Express yourself as much as possible and rest. You’re doing such a wonderful job, and always remember the mommas who worry about their babies or if they are doing good enough are the best mommas! If you need to lay in bed, lay in bed. If you feel you might be up for a little drive with your husband and baby, go for that drive. I’m always here if you need a friend, postpartum isn’t easy🥰

Hey mama. Congratulations on the birth of your baby! I’m sorry you’re having a tough time right now. Baby blues are so normal in the first few days/weeks after birth. They’re caused by the massive change in hormones and should only last a few weeks max - otherwise please speak to a healthcare professional. I’m not saying ride it out, but hopefully knowing it’s very short term helps. A few things that may help through the period: 1. Support from your husband/family. Your husband loves you and you’re partners in this - you will both need to lean on each other at some point or another; and this is your turn. Give yourself the kindness you would be giving him, if he was the one that needed a little extra support right now. 2. Getting enough sleep helps massively too. Try nap when baby naps, or get your husband to take baby when they nap. I struggled with feeling like my OH was doing me a favour by taking him, but actually, this was special bonding time for them.

Time. It will get better. Newborns are so stressful, you’re stressed because you want the best for your baby, which is a good thing. Take it day by day ❤️

3. Connect with other mums. Being able to share experiences really helps you feel less alone. Chatting to other mums could also bring some fun etc back into your day.

I felt the exact same the first week or two but it's getting better! Try getting out of the house and in the sun. Talk to others. I started going to therapy to try and get ahead of it. Take iron if you're anemic. I was/am and wasn't doing the best with supplementing which can be a big contributing factor.

I feel this on every level. You certainly aren’t alone.

I’m dealing with the same feelings, 13 days PP. It is rough and certainly not helping with how gloomy it’s been outside where I live. I want to feel normal again too. Just trying to take things one day at a time for now and doing little things to help me cope. I.e. reading uplifting books, taking baths, watching feel good movies during breastfeeding. It hasn’t been a cure but I think it’s somewhat helping? Wishing you the best and hoping this is behind you soon.

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