Express to your husband how you’re feeling. Communication is key. Try to work out a way that someone or a family can come once or twice a week to help you out or give you a chance to sleep for a few hours. I know how you feel my first 2 children I dealt with a similar situation. Not sure if you believe in Jesus but give Him your anxieties and worries, in return He will give you peace. I pray that you will receive all you need.
I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. She would have loved being there to help you. I know that’s so hard to mourn. Be gentle with yourself. You are having a lot going on. I think you might be going through a tad PPA. Is there any friends that came help you even for a few hours, a friend, extended relative? I think you need a few hours of support
Just know that you’re not alone. when you’re up late doing overnight feeds all of us moms with newborns are doing the same and most of us feeling similarly. It’s incredibly hard but it will get better and you will pull through the other side. Reach out to friends, ask for help where you can and be patient with yourself! 🩵
Magnesium to simmer yourself down! You can start there to help the anxiety. I get CALM gummies for my anxiety.