Should I let my mum potty train my daughter?? Please read context first

My mum has offered to potty train my daughter, she's a nanny and also works in a school, she is excellent with all ages of kids and potty training is kinda a scary thought to me! I trust her completely to do it, but people are saying that its rude to accept her offer or that I'll regret letting her as its a milestone thing or that I'll just look lazy.
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Both do it 🤷🏻‍♀️ if she has experience watch how she does it and follow example

Just another stupid opinion people give. Do what works best for you.

Personally I found potty training the WORST stage of being a parent with my eldest so if you have someone close to you and your child who is experienced enough to do it for you successfully and you avoid the stress of it I'd say go for it, I'm dreading going through it again with my second😅 x

My mother-in-law potty trained her first grandson because she was looking after him while my brother & sister-in-law went to work as they couldn't afford childcare at the time. We are not looking forward to potty training our little boy, so if we had the option to have someone do it for us, we would jump at the chance.

She can start it, sure. But you’re the one living w the daughter so she’ll need to pass on some advice and you’ll need to continue it at home, that’s all. We potty trained my boy w my sisters’ since we were coincidentally at my sisters’ over the weekend on a hot day while he was in undies running around the backyard w his cousins, and when I wasn’t in the room my sisters would ask him to go toilet or take them for me so we did it as a group- village style. But yeah nothing wrong w your mum initiating the training, you’ll have to continue her methods at home is all. Which I’m sure you’ll do anyway. As long as you’re okay w it that’s all that matters

If your mum wants to do it, let her🤷🏼‍♀️ Esp if she's with your child the most throughout the day, then just follow her lead with it. At the same time there does need to be boundaries (as you are the parent) so do have your say on the matter. I agree with one of the above comments; I disliked potty training & would absolutely get someone else to do it given the chance😅

Going through potty training currently, and fking hell it's the worst. That and weaning. If someone will do it for you go for it 🤣

IMO potty training is something that needs to be consistent. So if she is looking after your child for a set amount of time every week, then yes, potty train away, but you have to be doing it at home with your child too. As long as you both take the same approach, i dont see why it would be odd.

It needs to be both of you doing it and being consistent. I’m assuming she’s not with your mum 24/7.

I would LOVE it if someone else started potty training for me 😂

Ahaha on day 1 of potty training I remember thinking “if only I could outsource this aspect of parenting…” I will say though days 1 and 2 were honestly my least favourite aspect of parenting to date, but from day 3 onwards we were in a rhythm and it was fine. So do what you think is best, ignore anyone else’s opinions, what anyone else thinks doesn’t matter. But if you do decide to do it yourself, just know the first couple days are the WORST but you do get through them and it just gets easier from there.

The people saying that probably just want you to suffer the misery that they did because they had no one else to help them through potty training. Take your mom's help. It's not lazy because you'll have to be doing it too as well as your mum

Personally I'd want to do it myself but why not do it together

@Megan I dont think its that. I'd want to do it myself so I can say I've done it and not someone else has. I'm proud that I've potty trained my son and how quick he picked it up. I dont think its other women want her to go through the misery they did. It's all part of parenting 🤷‍♀️

As long as you two agree and communicate on how to do it, it should work out.

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You’re gonna be doing it too it’s not just her. Unless you’re just never present and never going to see your child every single day… you are definitely a part of that process as you will have to facilitate it at home. When they potty train in daycare, they don’t just potty train at school and send the toddlers home for mom to not have to keep up with it lol. It’s a team effort. Sounds like you have an amazing mom and whoever is telling you that is just jealous bc potty training is miserable in the beginning!

Every kid is different, each kid I have had has just gotten worse at it. I would try everything I could. I don’t really care about peoples opinions when I comes to most things tho so I’d let her try.

Yeh why not if she’s willing to help, that being the key word I guess as I imagine your child lives with you so you will be a part of the process too. My mum has worked in childcare her whole life also, and was a part of potty training mine mainly because she was looking after him full time whilst I was at work. But outside of those hours it was on me.

The worst of the worst for me was potty training, took us a full year to get to no accident consistently (poo accident are just horrible😫)....that said, does your mum lives with you? Because you will have to do with her the same method she will implement. So be sure to be ready as well. Seems like she will help you but not necessary do the all thing herself which is already great. Take any help you can get and be brave lol

I’m dreading it so I would absolutely let her 🤣 i’d want to be present though in case I don’t agree with anything but mostly because i’d feel left out if I didn’t participate

Listen you’re gunna have to do it in some capacity anyways if your LO isn’t always with your mum so take the help it’s a SAVAGE point of the parenting process 😂😂♥️♥️

Let her but you still gotta do your part of continuing what she started

Your mum sounds like a pro, I’d deffo do it with her. Let her be the teacher & your moral support for your LO.

@Rebecca she's gonna have to go through it herself regardless, there's nothing wrong with accepting help from her mom and she doesn't have to feel lazy for it.

@Megan yes absolutely accept help but I was explaining why most women would want to do it themselves. As someone said everyone saying do it herself is because they want her to go through the misery too..

@Rebecca if someone's telling her that she's gonna look lazy for accepting her mom's help they're not really a friend and are most likely envious of the help they've been offered. If it was just that she would regret it that's different and I'd totally agree with you. But these people making those comments don't sound like friends in my opinion which is why I made that comment

I personally wouldn't let someone else doing it but that's just me. If you feel confortable and relieved then go for it. 🤗

My aunt potty trained my cousins daughter for my cousin, I don't think anyone said she was lazy she was pregnant and working full time and my aunt is just great at it and also works at primary school It's up to you how you feel and if these kind of comments upset you. Its not the milestone anyone wants to have done and I think many kids like the potty training parent a bit less during parts of it rather than it always being a nice bonding experience!

Thank you everyone!! I guess for more context, my mum lives abroad so my little one will be going over for holiday anyway, and my mum just offered to do it while shes there (I'll be dropping her off and leaving so they have proper bonding time) they see eachother a lot so they're comfortable around eachother. And of course i know I'll have to continue once shes home, just gets the first hurdle done 😂

Omg your mum is a godsend. I’d highly suggest she takes the 50 million first accidents of your hands!!!

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That sounds perfect to be honest! especially if she’s going there anyway she can get her started :) the only thing i’d worry about is missing out on some ‘firsts’ but maybe videos or calls could substitute if you wanted to do that

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