GRAPHIC PHOTO - TTC 5 years - is this a miscarriage?

Hi all, Long story short, hubby and I have been TTC since summer 2019. Been through 1 cycle of IVF with no positive test at the end, 1 natural BFP last year that ended in a miscarriage. I came back from holiday last week, been on period delay pills, and started bleeding a few days after I stopped taking them as expected. Very heavy and painful period and whilst in the bath one night over Christmas, this happened. Circumstances and everything are very similar to my miscarriage last year so I wonder if this could've been another? Sorry for the graphic photo!
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I had this happen once when I took my pill back to back. I shed my entire womb lining at once like this due to the build up of estrogen. Apparently it’s common according to doctors and it actually happened to my friend. Not a miscarriage (for me)

Did you think you were pregnant? If so, I’d sadly say yes. If not, I’d go see a dr anyway as to randomly shed uterus that big , I wouldn’t call “normal” xx

It looks like a full shed. I used to have them as I have an endometriosis diagnosis and had heavy terrible cycles.

That’s your uterus lining shedding! Go to the hospital immediately

@Tamara you really don’t need to go to the hospital for that. It’s perfectly natural and not an emergency in any respect.

Hi all, Thought I'd post an update for anyone interested. I spoke to my GP a few weeks after this happened and they referred me for some scans just to be safe. They've found 2 fibroids, not sure they're related to the above, but they do explain why these heavy painful periods have become normal for me

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