feeling depressed

feeling depressed lately but it’s NOT about my baby. I love my baby and they’re the main joy of my life. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar? Can you be depressed PP but it NOT be PPD??
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Birth/motherhood is a lot. It’s a lot for your mind/body to process - even if it’s a good & beautiful change that you love & would do again. It could also be hitting harder this time of year because of the seasons. There are lots of resources, call/text helplines, etc. & I’d encourage you to reach out. There’s a lot that’s changing & that change can bring up other feelings/memories that need to be processed. You’re doing great, don’t suffer silently & alone, take advantage of helplines if you need to talk/text through a tough night/situation.

I’m going through the same thing. Mine started out as PPD, but now I’m just having a hard time in general.. if you ever need to talk, I’ll talk to you 😊

This! I’m glad someone said something. I just feel so down everyday or in general but when I look at my baby everything seems to be fine.

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