Feeling very emotional about life changes

Feeling overwhelmed about maternity leave and then my nanny Job changing for after I go back after maternity, by reducing hours and not needing me full time. Making me worry and feeling very out of control. Can't stop crying and being emotional. Feels so far away but I'm a planner. đź«  Anyone else feel the same? This is my first baby so all very new.
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I completely understand your worries. When I had my first, I left a job that took me 10 years to achieve and had the same concerns. To be honest, when I went back, they had given away my role as they couldn't wait, and it killed me, BUT it has actually been the best thing for me and my family! Your little one will start an avalanche of changes, but each one, although with its own challenges, will be a long-term blessing. Whatever happens, everything always works out for the best in the end. Easier said than done, but try and enjoy this! Embrace every movement and twinge and then enjoy your maternity leave. Everything else can wait, but you only get this next year once, and trust me, it goes so fast!! I'm due with my third in May and even now I'm guilty of spending too much time thinking about next steps and after my mat leave and then I remind myself how much I regret not being in the moment with the gorgeous two girls. You've got this mumma. If you do ever need a chat, I'm here :)

Thank you so much you've really put my mind at ease 🤍 it took us a rollercoaster to get here so need to enjoy it 🥰

I feel the same and very overwhelmed and sometimes also cry about it. I don’t have advice for it now but just to know you are not alone It’s also my first baby due in May

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