Yeah first @Cae x
I've not felt flutters since Saturday and I keep trying to make baby move. I'm 18 weeks tomorrow
@Nina yesterday or last week? Are you going to ride it out of ring maternity?
I haven't felt movements yesterday/today. They say you don't get a pattern until around 25 weeks or so. Will just ride it out for now and see what happens x
They dont have a pattern of kicks until around 25 ish weeks, you probably wont feel much at 18 weeks to be honest. With my first I never felt her until 22 weeks everyone different but I never seen regular or an obvious chance in kicks until 30 weeks. If your worried ring you midwife and she will probably use a Doppler to check heart rate but the hospital won’t put you on a monitor for reduced movements until your 24 weeks+ x
Is this your first baby? I have barely felt any movements at all and nearly 19 weeks. My midwife said this is completely normal and that I may not feel him until as late as 20-24 weeks.