When does it get easier?

My toddler is 21 months and I am wondering when this hard stage will pass. The stage of running around the house specifically searching for something to take apart, open and pour out, break and cause trouble. When will he actually be interested in his toys that are meant for playing? When will he stop reaching for toxic chemicals like dishwasher tabs and detergents? When will he stop unrolling the wholevtoilet paper and kneading the dough instead of rubbing it into the chair? ~ A young mother of 2 under 2 who is fed up and tired of all the daily chaos
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I think it probably depends on the child but I’ve noticed my son does better with a toy rotation so less out at a time and things feel new and exciting again! Also getting safety locks for cabinets would be helpful and baby gates if you need them!

I totally feel you...is so hard , my daughter is also 21 months...and she is the same plus crying so often

@Laurel I have safety locks literally everywhere but whenever I do the dishes he comes and intervenes, climbs into the dishwasher, throws dishes on the floor or puts then in wrong places etc, when I clean the bathroom he comes and tries to get hold of everything and dive into the wetness. When I cook he pulls my legs and screams and if I put him on a toddler chair to watch me he starts reaching for everything and making a mess. When I give him his toys to play with it doesn't last long. And yes, I also rotate and even have "special toys" that are strictly only taken out when nothing else helps

@Nastia Yes, I can't anymore. On some days he doesn't nap anymore and these days I am the most stressed, drained and tired. My house is a horrible mess and while I do one thing to reorganize and tidy up 4 things in the meantime are being disorganized and thrown around 😭

It passed quicker if you create room for him where he can explore these things. He is not purposefully making a mess. He just wants to find out what happens with the items, the environment and your reaction. He is testing boundaries while making sense of the world and how things work. I bought toddler safe kitchen knives (started with this wavy chopping blade) so my little one could chop onions, mushrooms etc while I was cooking. Took a bucket with water and other things outside if she wanted to make a mess and explore water. Handed her some flour if I had enough time to clean up the mess. And so on. Basically, embrace the chaos as best it can and it will pass. My girl is 3.5 now and doesn't make huge messes anymore. The sentence "we can't do X here because... Let's take it to (safe place) had helped a lot

@Mirka My toddler listens to me very often when I redirect him but jts still soooooo hard I just can't anymore. He is full hands on!!!!! I know he absolutely loves messy play and theme trays at nursery so I started doing that at home but it completely went sideways, he was not interested at all and instead wants to do exactly what I am doing. I guess this is the age rn, letting your child participate in everything you're doing but it's such an inconvenience, makes everything 10 times slower, harder and messier

I completely understand you, my daughters 20M and I can't wash up without her constantly demanding something, I give her what she wants 5mins later she's at it again then I'm pulling my hair out even after talking to her explaining what I'm doing and she needs to play with toys for 5mins. So now I leave all the cleaning till she naps during the day. She terrible for throwing and hitting (for no reason) that i know of! I get slapped around the face daily and everything from folks to toys thrown at me daily. I'm fed up and been in bed since 7pm UK time (2hrs already) with a migraine coming on. So I honestly know how you feel and can't wait also for it to be over

Sometimes when I do dishes I let my son “help” and he washes play dishes in the sink or play play doh or magnets in the kitchen! He’s turned 2 in September though so his attention span has gotten a little better with certain toys and activities

Just turned three and is finally playing with toys properly, like puzzles and stackers and things. But still likes to dump everything out. I'm pretty consistent with him though, he's not alloud to do the next thing until he's cleaned it up, took us a long time to get there but it's getting better

My son is like this, but my daughter definitely was not. I say lean into the chaos. It helps if you play along and help make the mess. Then when you're cleaning it, at least you have fun memories... Give him a roll of tp or paper towels to play with. Paint the walls with chalkboard paint and let him scribble away. When you get out the blocks or trucks, put a blanket down first so it is easy to gather them up and put them away. Throw away all the paint and markers that aren't easily washable. Get a big pack of magic eraser sponges (for you 🙂) Consider a lightweight Dyson. Do as much reading as he will sit still for. Have something he is allowed to climb and jump off of. (We have a raised balance beam, climbing furniture is great, but a sturdy ottoman or two will do.) A play sink or something with water is great. I'm not sure why they have a developmental need to drive us absolutely bananas, but *sigh*.... 🫠

For me personally mess is a little part of the development...I do obviously pay attention how messy our place is and I always have something to tidy up or cleaning, is never stop...and I feel much better mentaly when is clean, but I just kind of gave up, because I can't change it right now and it will take time, and I will stress myself I more tired of not being able to cook a simple dish, even when she is standing on her bridge and can observe me or help me, she is getting bored quickly and wants me to take her on hands and I can't really do it all the time because she is heavy and the hardest part for me is her crying, she will cry for attention, often with no tears, is so loud and going deep to my brain, couple of times I had a breakdown because of her cry...I am just worried it will be her way of getting what she wants, because I am easily giving up

My son does the same thing pours out things and puts them into another cup. Don’t want your kid to break shit invest in plastic plates bowl cups everything it’s a game changer. I try not to get stressed out but I notice when my son starts acting up and making a mess too 10000% of the time it’s because he needs a nap. For his naps I have to be by him not on top but he just needs to feel my presences. But just remember there not young forever. This stage is the hardest if your a first time mom. But I promise once you get to the pre teen stages with your kids you will want to go back to this stage. At least the kids don’t talk back 😂😂😂😂😂😂

2 under 2 must be so hard. Do you have practical support? Family, partner?

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