Just wanted to say that my daughter has been potty trained since September however she will not poo in a potty only in her knickers tried everything she just will not poo in the potty or toilet The nursery should be helping him and keep him in pants even if he has an accident Sorry can’t offer advice really
Don't put him back in nappies it will set him back. Nursery should be supporting and regularly reminding your little one to go potty, and should be offering you ways to help if they see a problem. There are a lot of distractions at nursery so regular reminders is important.
@Saff I've put in a complaint. After collecting him today I'm 1000% sure that was the right move. He should be getting a permanent room and a new key worker on Monday. That was probably due to happen anyway but I believe this has cemented them actually agreeing. The phone call this morning said he'd had 3 accidents and could they put a pull up on. On return home I got his washing out of his bag expecting 3 bags of dirty clothes minimum. There was a single pair of trousers in a bag completely clean - I photo graphed them and a pair of pants that contained what can only be described as a skid mark. I don't think I would have changed him for that. I'd have probably checked and either waited for him to do a bigger poo in his pants or taken him to the toilet. If he didn't poo in the toilet I'd have left him longer n seen what he did next before changing him. They must have put him in the pull up straight away because there was zero evidence of the other 2 accidents that happened before they rang me.
They said he did 10 poos today in my opinion that would warrant being sent home with a stomach bug but they said he was fine & well. He did zero poos on returning home aside from another slight mark in his pull up. They have suggested taking his own potty in tomorrow we will see how that goes. The lady I can't stand simply said did u have a nice Christmas n then passed us off to her colleagues and she's meant to be his key worker 🙃🫠
Sounds like he needs a new nursery x
We’ve been potty training since June/July time. My we girl turns 3 now on New Year’s Day. I wfh 2 days and MIL keeps her 2days so no nursery experience but potty training is an on going learning exercise. We have padded pants that can hold some pee from shein and also normal pants pull ups still at night. She knows everything needs to go in the toilet but poos are still a WIP and she still has accidents