Bottle making

Can anyone run me through roughly how to make a bottle of formula for a newborn? I’ll be using cow and gate. I’ve got a nuby, obviously a kettle and I might buy a prep machine. But how do you make a bottle without the prep machine?
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I use a nuby. Just boil the kettle, pour the water in the cooler (I measure it in the bottle because I can never see the measurements inside) add the formula. Give it a good shake then wait a minute, turn it upside down for a few seconds then press the button, if it’s green you are good to go if not then wait a few more seconds and try again. With the cooler it does need 3 hours to reset after washing and sterilising so I have 2 so I can cycle them. I just wash and throw it in the milton cold water steriliser for 15 mins

I haven’t used the nuby but did have a prep machine and got rid of it after 48hrs. It dispensed more than the amount it should (nearly an ounce more! We tested it without powder). Lots of people I know had the same issue once they checked. We’ve always made our own hot shots in milk storage pots, then add to cooled water in the bottle. We fill all bottles with boiled water at the start of the day then they are cooled and ready for the hot shots when you make a feed. When she was new born and only an ounce or two we just made it fresh and put the pot in cold water for a few minutes. Hopefully that makes sense?

I premake my babies bottles and put them in fridge and warm then as and when needed because I have a very hungry baby that doesnt show feeding cues and went from 0-100% my health visitor advised me to do this as I'm was literally dying making a bottle from fresh as advised to do on nhs. Health visitor said its safer to premake bottles then it is to use a prep machine as other comments said it over pours which can cause kidney problems and failure over time because babies bodies can't handle diluted formula which it essentially does

Boil your kettle, fill your bottle to the amount of ml you need, pour your water into your rapid cool leaving 30ml in your bottle, add your scoops of formula to your 30ml, swirl don’t shake, add your water back in from Nuby when ready, swirl again, check temperature and ready to feed x

Use the ‘hot shot method’ - it’s basically exactly what the prep machine does. Get a covered jug or use another bottle. Pour boiled water into the jug and leave it to cool. Can do it any time will take 2-3 hours to cool. Then when you want to make your bottle at about 30 mls of boiling water. Add the powder and swish it around so all the powder is mixed in. Would advise not to shake, but swirl, as shaking adds air bubbles. Then add the cooled boiled water to just above the amount specified for the amount of powder. Just above as the powder itself has some mass. Check the temp, should be about right. If not right, next time add more / less hot water.

Boil the kettle, add however oz to your bottle, then add the formula. Swirl or shake. Under cold RUNNING water it takes less than two minutes to cool down! The hot shot method is also good to eliminate that waiting time. But please be aware the formula needs to be added to the shot of HOT water, then the cool water added afterwards. The point of the hot shot is to sterilise the formula and it needs to be at least 70c to do so. The cool water also needs to be measured separately as displacement from the powder will make you add less than is needed if just doing it by eye straight into the bottle. These are safe options xxx

Buy a prep machine ! Best thing I’ve done.

@Hollie they aren’t nhs recommended so I’d rather browse other options first xx

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