@Ayanda thank you for your kind words - yes I just keep telling me this phase will pass and it will get better ❤️ sending you lots of well wishes in your pregnancy and praying for you daughter. I was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 6 so I know how difficult it can be to navigate through life with so many changes that come with age alone. Bless you 🩷
Your not alone with the mum guilt. I have hg this time and feeling serious mum guilt that can't be there for my 14 month old as I would like and heavily relying on husband and grandparents at moment. Praying gets better by second trimester so I can make it up to 14 month old. Don't know how I'm going to cope when husband goes back to work after holidays as he is taking on the main share of the childcare at moment as I feel so weak. All that is getting me through is that hopefully she will have buddy for life and won't remember mummy like this. I'm just taking every day as a step closer to feeling better and reminding myself this is a temporary situation. I am on anti sickness meds which do take the edge off and help keep food/water down but side effect is they make me even more fatigued.
Hi I'm really sorry about how you're feeling and totally have felt the same. I couldn't pay attention to my little ones and they've ended up infront of the TV a lot. I couldnt even pay attention to the house as the sickness has been debilitating. I have found relief from visiting a Chinese doctor who does acupuncture on me every 2-3 days. This has meant much less vomiting this pregnancy and the following day I am able to be a bit more present. It seems to take the edge off for me and worth it being heavy on the pockets cause I absolutely hate the vomiting. I do still feel nauseous 24/7 but it's manageable once I've had the acupuncture. I don't know how it works but it has helped me.
Also this pregnancy I've been so much more mindful with the eating. Even when I don't have an appetite I make sure I eat something every 1-2 hours (with some source of protien). This ensures your blood sugar levels remain stable and won't spike hunger (therefore crazy nausea). I've found having simple sugars to help the nausea only ends up making me feel worse due to the sugar spike. Oh and inbetween snacking on something like salt and vinegar crisps, chewing on gum and drinking ice-cold water! If it's real bad and I'm struggling I'll eat something like seeded toast - atleast it's got like 5g of protien in there!
No recommendations. I just want to say sorry your going through all that, sounds like alot 🫂 I am nearly 8 weeks and the constant sickly feeling and being tired is draining me, I cant even imagine having to do it with a little one. My 13 year old daughter has type1 diabetes so I understand how fustrating it can be trying to control your sugar levels. Once again, so sorry you having to go through all that. It will come to pass, and please dont feel guilty , you daughter feels your love and knows you love her. When this stage passes you willbe back to your usual routine, dont be too hard on yourself mama. You doing great💞