My son did this but he did it for a week with no improvement. We then stopped. This was in Oct. We're going to try again next month. I agree, it's not unusual for the 1st couple of days and would stick at it 😉
My daughter is toilet trained but if I ask her if she needs to go, 90% of the time she says no. I have to convince her, tell her tp bring a toy, we make it fun.
Thank you all, that's helpful to know and makes me feel a bit more positive about the whole thing
Very normal for a couple days, until they understand the sensation to wee or poo. We like to take them for “surprise wees” when we know he will need one but refuses to go. Then get super excited when they go. The charity ERIC has some great potty training advice online. Stick with it, sounds like they are testing out their bodily functions. They should get the hang of it soon enough!