Drink hot and cold drinks to encourage movements. I’m on mat leave but I work on a maternity unit and the hospital I work would offer you 2 weekly CTGs for your anxiety to offer reassurance. Do you know where your placenta is positioned as sometimes that gets in the way of you feeling all movements.
I would get like this and try to practice positive affirmations. Take a few deep breathes and say My baby is healthy. I will have a safe birth. So on and so on. I only went to the hospital once. She was usually active at night and I couldn’t feel her. They were so sweet and after they checked everything was fine they told me I could come in any time I wanted. Better safe than sorry.
I’ve just had a scan and they said the placenta is at the front which is why I’m not feeling much ❤️
Thank you all for your replies x
I thought as much, did they make a plan with you regarding regular monitoring?
Try to find the patterns if you can. My baby would be super still all day. She would only move at night after I went to bed.