New here
Hey there, I’m a new Irish twin mama. 10 months apart.
How the heck do you do it? My 10 month old tries to hit and scratch her little sister, I’ve tired putting my youngest in her bassinet and just spending time with my oldest, there’s no resolve. It’s been almost two weeks since bringing sissy home but big sis isn’t taking it well and I don’t know how to manage both of them. I’m in over my head. My house is a disaster now, bottles for both of my girls are piling up, I’ve been giving my 10 month old pouches and snacks mainly and my youngest isn’t getting the cuddles her older sister gets. I’m at a loss and I’m in over my head. Everyone calls me brave but it’s not like I chose this life. It’s what was given to me. (I personally won’t get an abortion, just my preference no shade to anyone) I’m just stretched thin and I don’t know what else to do to help. Mrs Rachel helps my older but icky sticky bubblegum is getting annoying lol.
It gets easier… my son was smacking and grabbing my daughter at first and now he’s a lot more gentle and gives her kisses all the time. He still smacks every once in a while but only because he’s so excited. My daughter definitely got less snuggles on the days I didn’t have help but I did my best to keep them both taken care of. I cried, a lot. I still do sometimes because some days are just harder. They’re 14 months and 4 months now and everything is leveling out feeling so much better. You got this 🤍 try to play while your little one is relaxing or napping and snuggle the little one while the older one has snacks in the high chair. When/if you have help don’t feel bad stepping away for a sec and taking some time for you, you need it and deserve it