Thank you, and how did you clean them before putting them in steriser?
Collapsible mini washing up bowl, sponge and a little travel bottle of washing up liquid x
I've just been away and would recommend taking 2 collapsible bowls (one with a lid if you can find one) I only took one. First one is for hot soapy water to wash the bottles and the 2nd for the cold water Milton sterilising tablets
Last time I travelled, I took washing up liquid and a brush. I wash the bottles and pump in warm soapy water, and would let them dry overnight on top of a towel. In the morning, if still a bit damp, I used a fibre clot to dry the rest. I also had Milton sterilising wipes but I didn’t use them (LO was over 1 so I had already stopped sterilisating). I left the pumps at the hotel room, but the bottles I used during the day I just washed them to remove the rest of the milk and proper wash them when I got back to the hotel room.
Milton liquid worked for us
Milton tablets work in cold water within 15 minutes