Routine, sleep feeding the lot!😅
I have 5 week old twins and a 2 year old
I can’t seem to get them into a routine and their not settling well to sleep during the day in the arvo is the hardest. Im mixed feeding and giving them formula feeds at night and breast. During the day but I don’t think the breast is enough enough they won’t settle to sleep well. We start trying to bottle feed and bed at around 8:30-9ish but they end up going to sleep at like 12-1 am Any advice would be great I’m finding it quite difficult 😣
I think 5 weeks is still early to expect much of a routine out of babies, at least in my experience. My twins are 12 weeks and are only juuuust coming out of having a pretty prolonged "witching hour" (more like hours 🥴) on a night, so hoping to get a bit more of a bedtime routine that doesn't involve hours of fussing soon! Also only just starting to see more predictable nap times and learning their (very different because ofc 😶) sleep needs. I also have a 2 year old and I found that she dealt pretty well with the babies for around the first month. I didn't see any of the meltdowns or regressions I was expecting. Second month, though? Yikes. I'd give your toddler quite a lot of grace during this period because it's a massive adjustment, especially if they are your first and this is their first experience of having siblings. Hang in there, I've found the first few months preeetty brutal but it does, slowly, get a bit easier 😅 (also solidarity cuz I'm there with you, just a few weeks ahead haha)