Premature baby
My son was born premature in 30week of my pregnancy in October 2023.
He is one year old now but he has not started walking or talking yet. Doctors said he is perfectly fine and he would do things in his own time. Which I perfectly understand and I don’t worry about it. He is a very happy active baby though and eats well.
My mother in law made some harsh comments recently which made me upset. Just want to know if anyone had a child in similar situation and everything went well! Just want to stay positive!
So you’ll be corrected age…makes your little boy about 11.5 months corrected? Wouldn’t be worried at all. Little girl started walking about 11.5 months and granted she’s been talking since she was born it feels like BUT that’s not typical. Your wee guy is doing absolutely grand and your doctors and telling the truth. Absolutely nothing wrong with this, he had an early start and a bigger fight than most babies. He’s doing amazing x