My HV said she’s old school and would prefer to advise the old school kettle method but when I explained the Nuby with hot shot she said as long as that first shot is the 70 degrees recommended it’s okay.
You’ll find lots of HV & midwives don’t like anything that essentially makes your life easier 🙄 or that because they aren’t ‘recommended’ ways of doing things, they advise against them. If you use fresh boiling water from a kettle to make a bottle the old school way, you can leave it for upto 30 minutes before preparing the bottle - so not sure how she figures that the water wouldn’t be hot enough for long enough doing it the hot shot way if you’re following the same principle for the hot shot. Honestly, your baby will be absolutely fine if you prep you bottles this way and your life will be easier x
My midwife said they don’t ’recommended’ it as they have to advise the old school way of fresh each time as that’s the ‘best’ but realistically no one has time for that and all the other ways - using rapid cool, prep machine, making up and putting in fridge etc are all fine just they recommended the freshest way.
We make a flask up in a thermos (keeps its boiling for 12 hours) as long as it’s boiling water for the hot shot method it’s fine, as kills the bacteria in formula. Then then use the nuby for the rest of the water ☺️ x