Toilet training boys!
My boy will be 3 in February and has showed no signs for toilet training. I know everyone is different and im not going to push him if his not ready but.. he is at a point now where he will start to chuck a tantrum if his nappy doesnt go back on. Has anyone experienced this with their little one? He will scream the house down with no nappy. He isnt interested in undies or trunks at all either. Any tips or tricks? Xx
My boy isn’t interested either. He shows literally zero signs. No pulling down pants, never tells us when he needs a change, doesn’t come with us to the bathroom or show interest, hell he won’t even try and pull his pants up and down lol. I feel pressured to try though. Like I thought by the time he’d be 3 he’d be trained?? I tried once in November and it went terribly. But gonna try again in March when my husband is off work for a week