You didn't fail. It's just your placenta working overtime and causing you to not process insulin properly. It's only temporary and for a lot of women it can be managed with diet changes.
Yes you failed 2 out of 4 so you have gestational diabetes. I failed as well and have it I have to check my sugar 4 times a day. But it will go away after you give birth. So far my sugar has been fine everytime I check it I haven’t been eating crazy and they said if you exercise (walk) after eating it’ll help keep it adjusted
I had the same - passed fasting and 3 hour, but not the 1 or 2 hour. It was considered a fail for me unfortunately.
Fail of the test yes. You fail no. Like Kelli said it’s your placenta and all the extra progesterone. It’s really not that hard to manage I promise. I still eat the things I want to just in moderation. Once you start tracking your sugars you’ll learn want really makes you spike and what doesn’t but I’ve found that adding protein to whatever I’m eating doesn’t make me spike. Everyone is different of course but you got this!
If 2 comes back high then you failed. Ive been told that gestational diabetes can go away after baby is born so don’t beat your self up about it. You didn’t do anything wrong to cause this. I was told it’s just a very common thing in pregnancies these days but can be managed and monitored.
Ooof. I believe that if two of them come back high then that does mean you failed. ☹️ Just think that there will only be temporary sacrifices. Wishing you luck!