@Hattie thanks lovely, I have an app just before so I’m hoping she’ll see mummy do it and then she’ll do it😂 she is so wary of strangers so I am apprehensive wether she’ll actually let the dentist near her! Lol!
My little girl had her first dentist appointment a couple of weeks ago. She sat in the chair herself and they gave her some stickers to play with. The dentist asked me to help open her mouth and just had a quick look inside. I think at this age it's mainly just to get them used to being there.
Mines been 2 times and was fine he loves the gloves they ware so it was just a game to him but I have every 3 months visits to accumulate him to dentist because if he has teeth issues like I did growing up I want him to have a better experience then me. I hat the dentist xx
Sorry to ask but why did you book the dentist appointment? I ask because my dentist said I don’t need to book my lo in until she’s two or if she has any teeth issues. I wanted her to go in and experience it too. 😔
I was advised by my own dentist to get them in once teeth come through so they don't have a fear of dentist when time comes xx
@Sonia I just remember being told once they have teeth to book them in, but she’s now 16 months and has 12 teeth so I thought it’s the best time to go to start getting her used to the environment x
Thank you for clarifying!☺️
My boy had his check a couple of weeks ago. The dentist (lady) was very nice and was chatting away to him as if he was an adult, asking if he likes having his teeth brushed (obviously expecting us parents to answer the questions), any problems with eating, any teeth currently on the move etc. LO usually hates people going near his mouth with anything except a toothbrush but for her he just opened up and let her poke away.... I put it down to the power of the face mask (he is always good as gold for doctors and then a menace for me and dad doing the same thing). If you weren't aware, you sit in the dentist chair and hold LO, so they get comfort while they get poked 🙂