Emotional wreck

My baby is now 4 days old and I think my milk is well and truly “coming in”. I’ve woken up and I’m literally crying about everything🥲 Feel like I’m doing a shit job being “mum” to my baby girl, and that my fiancée can’t stand me (he loves me a lot😂). Jeeze, please tell me this passes, quickly😅
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It does pass! Honestly I was the same. I cried so much and I was sat on the toilet just crying thinking I couldn’t look after her. No one told me how bad the hormones were 😭 But I promise it does pass. Might just take some time, it’s all an adjustment. But remember, you’ve got this! You’re smashing it being a mom, and just take each day as it comes. That’s what I tell myself

My baby is a month old now and I would just cry at nothing and feel like a failure, post baby emotions are UNREAL but it really does pass🥰

Day 3-6 was the worst for me hormone-wise so hopefully will improve for you in a day or 2! 🤞

Congratulations mama! My baby is also 4 days old and this is completely normal! I felt like this with my first who’s almost 3 and it does pass. Feel free to message me if you ever want to talk about anything ☺️

My mum arrived on day 5 and I just collapsed into her crying, was 100% my milk coming in - took a few times of being told it was totally normal to really understand. I still have my moments two weeks on to be honest, the hormones are just raging!

My baby is 4 days old, milk came in yesterday and I knew it was coming from the hormones 🙈 I was still in hospital after my first when my milk came in and honestly don't know how the midwives put up with me 🙈🤣 it gets better, and fairly quickly! You're completely normal and you're doing a fabulous job 😊

I’m still crying 12 days in, but believe me it does get easier because I’ve seen a big change in myself from the first week till now. When you have the baby and the placenta is removed, you release thousands many hormones from your body and it’s a lot to cope with. That ontop of the anxiety of everything, believe me when I say this is total normal. Look at me giving advice when I’m still in that phase and still get overwhelmed when baby is crying hysterically! Just want to reassure you, it does get easier but make sure you get your sleep because sleep is sooooo powerful and will change your whole mindset on things xxxx

Day 3-9 was the worst for me. I genuinely thought I had PPD or PPA cause the hormones were that bad but I’m now 15 days postpartum and feel so much better. The hormones do calm down, it can just take some time so be gentle with yourself 💕

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