What if you try giving her foods that make you move your bowels like blueberries, grapes, etc... and have her drink lots so that she will have to go. When she does make a big fuss what a big girl she is, that she has big girl pants like you. That we keep them dry, etc... say she is so clever for going potty and you know she can do it. Try not to stress tho, they can sense it and will feel the same about it. Have you tried the toilet instead maybe? Change the nappy to drynites pull ups and call them her bed time pants so that you don't mention a nappy. Even give normal underwear a go for the night if she is dry. Good luck ☺️ she will get there
My son was similar and it turned out he didn’t like using the potty. We let him choose a step ladder and seat for the actual toilet and that’s been a game changer as he could go by himself and wee like the ‘adults do’
I would say use the toilet and not potty by step or toilet seat. Does she know when she needs to wee/poo. They is potty training reusable pants which will keep her cloths%pj dry but make her feel a little uncomfortable if she as an accident these are better then normal pants my son uses them, he is three and 4 months he still does no when he needs a wee he uses the toilet every morning b4 bath and b4 bed and odd times in the day 😉 so he's not quiet ready for potty training but he is doing better.
Thank you all for your comments. It seemed to click for her from Tuesday when she said she need a wee and from then has happily gone to the potty and sat on it. Although now it seems sometimes she will say she needs a wee every 10 mins and goes and sits on it but nothing comes out. We still put a nappy on at night but she won't wee until the morning when she goes on the potty and then has knickers on. She was up at 5am this morning as she said she needed to wee. So early start for us today! Then just now at bath time for the first time she was crying when we put her in the bath saying she needed a wee and didn't want to have a bath. Has anyone else experienced this with their LO? Any advice appreciated
My LG refuses to use public toilets and holds her wee a lot if out or at nursery. I'm told it's a phase and she'll grow out of it soon enough. It's hard!!
@Mel thank you did your LO go through a phase of wanting to wee every 10 mins or so?
We are doing a month prepping before going fully into training - my partner and I watched big little feelings potty course and read the Eric website - we got a toilet seat with steps permanently on the toilet with a potty next to it to be seen regularly - we've got heaps of books about pottys, bums, farts, poo and wee and body parents - poo pillow and games - potty training flashcards - toilet timer (how long to sit) - hand washing science experience with soap and pepper - role play with toys using the potty - model using the toilet and explain the feelings - we got a potty reminder timer watch - bubbles next to the potty to help relax muscles and blow the poo out, stress balls for when need to squeeze, books and fidget toys as distractions - Elmo and Daniel Tiger are our favourite potty episodes We wanna try - 3 days fully naked - 3 days top half clothed only - a month commando - underwear But we've got training pants as my boy hates being naked
Following for advice..My 3 year old doesn't have dry spells. It's constant weeing , some days it's a success sometimes it's not. Nightmare x