The only dentist I could get my daughter into was 2 towns over. The nhs waitlist for a dentist is crazy, even private are full
Have you tried the nhs app
@Cotswoldmama We got my daughter in very quickly, but me and my husband have to wait until next September, it's crazy x
I asked my dentist when LO was 2 months, they said they're expecting to accept more clients by April, which is when she'll be 1. So as I needed to book in for April myself, I got her booked in for the same time. Which is just as well because she's 8 months now and has 7 teeth already. Might be worth looking outside your area, or asking your dentist to add LO to their waiting list asap x
I had to change to a private dentist to get my son into one. I pay monthly & then he gets seen for free under me x
We have to travel 30miles for my daughter's dentist
I’ve had to go private with him as I was told I would not get him on an NHS waiting list in our area as he was not classed as ‘vulnerable’. It’s £25 every 6 months so not too bad
Go through the health visitor, pretty sure they are supposed to be accepting children anyway so that's mad. But our health visitor referred us and got an appt within days and they registered him at the dentist
Private will usually see them for free for the first few years. Took mine private whilst on NHS waiting list
Have you tried any outside of your area? Check online to see which ones have availability for children x