My 3 year old seems to wet his pants every 20 minutes, been wondering if this means he's not ready? He went through 6 pants in an hour
Not much at all. He's started holding it for longer lately. I make him go but if I don't day anything it would only be 3 times! It's worse now we've got rid of the potty toilet downstairs so he has to go upstairs. Lazy!
Sometimes he’ll wait 3 hours sometimes it’s 15 minutes 😅 maybe 10 times a day
My lg has very strong bladder control but she's been toilet trained a whole year now. She goes about 4 times a day, dry overnight
Mine seems to manage ok, or at least better, if we’re out and about, but if we’re at home, it feels like it’s every ten minutes - some days she will drink a lot but, today, for example, she hasn’t, and she’s done so much wee. It seems excessive to me. We first started trying to potty train over a year ago, but she wasn’t interested, so we didn’t push it. I’d say she’s been properly trained for 6months now (it’s been a long journey 😩) but she appears to be having frequent accidents lately, even if she’s close to the potty. I think she leaves it too late to go (even though she’s going so frequently) or doesn’t want to interrupt what she’s doing, so she just lets some out. She wee’d on me yesterday! It’s so frustrating because I know she understands what to do.
Excessive weeing can be a sign of diabetes. If it continues it could be worth popping to gp for a quick finger prick test. Can also be a sign for UTI’s. Unlikely to be either as you say she’s fine when out and about, but better safe than sorry.
We seem to be the opposite (trained in August) and initially (after the first 2/3 weeks) we were 4 times a day…it dropped to 3 and now we are twice a day occasionally 3 (for wees). I was worried we were not going enough but I think my daughter has a strong mind and therefore won’t go until she’s ready!! (I was used to my son who goes 4/5 times a day!) We are also dry through the night. After speaking to others (and thinking about how pre kids I could hold my pee!) I’ve tried to just trust my daughter. It’s a worry constantly though, not sure there’s a right or wrong way- just a normal for individual.
@Ruth my daughter is the same as this!!
My daughter goes for a wee on the toilet or potty around 6 times a day at a guess and 1-2 poos a day, she's also dry on a night time too we haven't used pull ups for night time for around 6 months now
I'd say roughly every 1-2 hours now, it was really frequent, almost every 10 minutes when he was training/newly trained in July x